An app for the Kookaberry

This demonstrates the transmission and reception of icons and sounds over a digital network.
This adds an experiential aspect to the teaching of Outcome ST3-11DI-T of the NSW S&T(K-6) Syllabus which describes how digital systems
represent and transmit data.
Step 1: Setup
Connect a buzzer to P2 on each of two Kookaberries.
Step 2: Running the app
Navigate to the Semaphore app and press Button B to run. Press Button C to see the screen shown below
What is showing on the screen?
- Top Row: Name of app
- Second Row:
- Number of transmitted (Tx) signals
- The signal being transmitted (a Wave in this case)
- Name of this Kookaberry
- Third Row:
- Number of received (Rx) signals
- The signal being received (none yet in this case)
- Name of the the Kookaberry sending the signal (none yet in this case)
- Fourth Row:
- Button A for Exit as normal
- Button C to send a Wave (used to send the Wave in the screenshot above)
- Button D to send a Like
- Button B to send a sound signal
Step 3: Using the app
Sending and receiving a Wave
Press Button C on one of the Kookaberries (John1) to transmit a Wave icon. The other Kookaberry (JULIA2) will receive it and display the name of the transmitting Kookaberry on the screen.
Sending and receiving a Like
Press Button D on one of the Kookaberries (John1) to transmit a Like icon. The other Kookaberry (JULIA2) will receive it and display the name of the transmitting Kookaberry on the screen.
Sending and receiving a Signal (a call-and-response beep sequence on the connected buzzers)
 Press Button B to create a “Call-and-response” sequence where the Tx signal is answered by all the other Kookaberries in range. Tx (Dum-Dumpty-Dum-Dum); Rx (Dum-Dum).
Open Questions
- Where is the radio chip located on the Kookaberry? Can you see the antenna/aerial?
- Compare this to speaking over two tin cans joined together with a taut string. Can you make such a system? What are the similarities between the taut string and the radio signal between two Kookaberries.
- How far apart can the Kookaberries be taken before the signal is lost?
Peripherals used by this app
Learning plans that use this app
Last Updated:
Radio code:
App ID: