The Kookaberry platform is easy to use
Current digital platforms require considerable time and programming skills to deliver useful outcomes outside of the technologies classroom.
The Kookaberry takes only a few minutes to set up and run applications that are useful across the curriculum.
The Kookaberry adds the Technology element to any STEM integrated lesson with a minimum of fuss and maximum enjoyment.
Current digital technology platforms

Current digital technology tools such as the ArduinoTM or Micro:bitTM are excellent for teaching digital technology in secondary schools.
However, the requirement to programme them before they can begin to deliver any sort of worthwhile learning activity other than coding, is a serious impediment to their universal acceptance across the curriculum.
The complexity of their connection to sensors and other peripherals; reliance on the internet; and lack of on-board data storage; also serves to isolate them within the Technologies curriculum.

The Kookaberry design brief
The Kookaberry was therefore designed to emulate and improve upon current digital technology tools by
- eliminating the need for programming before the commencement of each learning activity,
- drastically reducing the set-up time required for each activity,
- adding on-board data storage,
- being compatible with arduino and micro:bit interfaces and peripherals,
- eliminating the need for internet or WiFi
- making the technology visible
It also had to be
- able to work straight out of the box,
- simple to use,
- robust enough to function perfectly in the harsh environment of remote Australia,
- easy to maintain,
- be capable of enhancing subjects across the curriculum - not just Technologies,
- designed for teachers as a teaching and learning activity rather than just an activity for their students,
- programmable using both text and block based coding,
- exciting and engaging for students,
- able to function seamlessly as part of an ecosystem of associated peripherals and accessories; learning plans; and easily accessible support,
- designed and made in Australia.