Practice makes perfect

A learning plan for the Kookaberry

Developed by
The AustSTEM Foundation

Students will design and run an obstacle course whilst using the BalanceMe app on their Kookaberry with the aim of improving their balance and reducing their number of ‘drops’. The BalanceMe app emulates an egg and spoon, detecting and recording out-of-balance events.

This plan currently only exists in hard copy which can be downloaded from the sidebar to the right

NOTE: This plan was one of our first – before we started to use cylindrical LiOn batteries and 3D printed handles. All the electrical instructions are the same for both the early and current power and handle configurations.

Apps used in this learning plan

Peripherals used in this learning plan

Last updated:

6 years ago

Year levels:

Year 4


KLP002 Practise Makes Perfect Rev B
