Kookaberry Trials, Term 1 2021.

AustSTEM is aiming to conduct trials of the STEM Experiential Learning Journey in schools during Terms 1 & 2 in 2021.

Referring to our Development Road Map shown below, the Kookaberry platform is now relatively mature - as are its KookaSuite of editing tools and the many Apps that have been created.

The purpose of the trials is to work with schools and school systems to fine-tune the next two stages of the Road map, namely:

  • teacher induction, instruction and professional development, and
  • classroom lesson plans, apps, instructions and support inmfrastructure.
The AustSTEM Development Road Map


How to participate in these trials

The first step is for your school to sign up for participation in the STEM Experiential Learning Journey at a cost of $2000, which includes

  • a kit of 15 Kookaberries including all the accessories (batteries, connecting leads and peripherals) to run the standard lesson plans,
  • a library of pre-coded applications
  • the KookaSuite folder containing the KookaBlockly and KookaIDE MicroPython code editors and the Teachers' window app,
  • online induction and accreditation courses for two teachers
  • online support throughout the two-Term trial period.

Additional Kookaberries and induction courses are available; and special arrangements can be made with school communities or systems wishing to conduct their own training.

The next step is for at least two teachers (one to back up the other) to become accredited Kookaberry teachers through participation in an individual self-paced online video induction course. The tutorial will cost $250 per teacher and will provide at least 4 hours of NESA endorsed professional learning hours. It will include online access to a Kookaberry tutor. [This course is currently under development]

The induction course will familiarise teachers with the operation of the Kookaberry and website features, and will guide them through its use in a sample lesson plan. Teachers will be required to submit their own sample lesson plan to achieve accreditation.

Additional online courses covering coding and other advanced features are in the planning stage.

Ordering your Kookaberries

AustSTEM is about to ask GPC Electronics to commit to a production run of up to 500 Kookaberries for delivery at the end of 2020. This will allow enough time for them to be made available to schools in time for the commencement of Term 1.


In order to meet this delivery deadline GPC will need to have firm orders by mid-September 2020.

Please complete the brief form at the bottom of this page to order your STEM Experiential Learning Journey

On receipt of this order form by AustSTEM, you will receive confirmation that the quantities of Kookaberries required for your order will be included as part of GPC's production run.

If you require any more detail; wish to obtain an evaluation kit before making a purchasing decision; or want to discuss alternative ordering options, please don't hesitate to contact AustSTEM at info@auststem.com.au.

Order Form