STEM is the very epitome of integrated learning, and the Kookaberry makes it very easy to teach and learn.
The Kookaberry digital system is capable of illustrating learning fundamentals such as logic, binary numbers, and fractions, as well as performing multiple functions such as measurement, data logging, control, and educational games.
Its ability to switch between these various modes of operation quickly and easily through an on-board menu and plug and play accessories make it ideal for use in cross-curricular projects, project based learning and integrated STEM lesson plans.
The following two Tutorials demonstrate the Kookaberry's role in bringing together many subjects using the CountMe and WaterMe and ListenLog apps
Tutorial - Food for thought
In this Tutorial the Kookaberry is used to help students collect and analyse their diets by counting the number of food categories in their lunch boxes, and comparing them with those recommended in the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating.

Tutorial - Water my plant
In this Tutorial the Kookaberry is used to control the moisture in soil by switching a pump on and off depending on the level of moisture being measured.