This app illustrates how the colour pixels on TV and device screens work by varying hue (colour) and luminance (brightness) on RGB LED’s. Directions A pdf of these directions can be downloaded from the sidebar to the right Setup Plug an RGB LED into P2; navigate to the Pixel app on the Kookaberry’s menu, and press Button B to run …
This demonstrates the conversion of an analogue to a digital signal; its display as a histogram; and the generation of a control signal when a threshold signal value is reached. Directions Step 1: Setup Plug a potentiometer into P4 and a LED into P2 using the 3-wire leads. Step 2: Running the app Navigate to the …
This app demonstrates how a continuously variable analogue input can be changed into a continuously variable digital output to control the intensity of a purely digital peripheral such as an LED. The app uses Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to vary the duration of time the output digital signal is ON and OFF (the duty cycle) within one cycle of the …
This senses the level of the ambient light and, if too dark, switches on a light (LED). Directions Step 1: Setup Setup the app by plugging an ambient light sensor into P4 and an LED into P2. A cardboard house can be constructed, with the sensor mounted on the roof and the LED in a window. Step …