AustSTEM aims to achieve its purpose by
- Facilitating the delivery to Australian school students of a personal microcontroller based education platform which can be loaded with STEM related applications and supported by videos to assist teachers, students, parents and guardians with the STEM school education curriculum.
- Working to ensure all students finish school with a strong foundation knowledge in STEM and related skills.
- Facilitating effective partnerships with tertiary education partners, business and industry.
- Doing all such things as are incidental, convenient or conducive to the attainment of our purpose, including raising money to further our aims; secure sufficient funds; receive any funds; and distribute these funds in a manner that best attains our purpose.
National STEM School Education Strategy
The Education Council has developed two goals; five areas for national action; and seven guiding principles in its National STEM School Education Strategy issued in December 2015.
AustSTEM’s purpose and aims support the outcomes hoped for in this strategy.
Why Primary?
“Student attitudes to STEM are established in primary school and this is when the work on engagement and excitement needs to begin” Page 50. Optimising STEM School-Industry Partnerships. Final Report, April 2018
“Expose students (and their teachers) to a wide range of career options and information early to help increase STEM aspirations and engagement, ideally in primary school and continuing throughout high school, and involving parents and school communities where possible” Second Guiding Principle in the Education Council’s National STEM Schools’ Education Strategy (Page 11). December 2015